Mrs. Williams is the new chorus teacher here at CHS, arriving after the beloved Mr. Stanley, who retired last year.
Have you always wanted to be a Chorus teacher?
I have wanted to be a teacher ever since I was a little girl, funny enough I used to line my baby dolls up and school them you know? Grade their papers that I wrote up myself, so yeah, I’ve always had a natural desire to be a teacher, I think that I decided to be a chorus teacher more so when I got into college and really felt the pull towards choral music. I’ve been taking piano lessons since I was seven or eight, and as the years progressed, I felt more of a pull towards the choral side of music.
So what did you Major in to become a chorus teacher?
My primary instrument was the piano, and my secondary was voice, and I majored in music education at both the undergraduate and graduate school level.
What did you do before coming to Cartersville?
I’ve done several things, I taught in public school for thirteen years, the majority of that time was at Rome high school as the chorus director for nine years, started the piano/ keyboarding program there as well. I also taught at a school out in Texas, that was my first year teaching, that was a chorus and general music type setup. Most recently I was employed at Berry college as a staff accompanist, and I did that part time, and I did that part time while I stayed home with my children for a few years before now returning to full time employment.
What made you decide to come to Cartersville High school?
Well, I have strong roots here in Cartersville, I was born and raised in Cartersville, I went through the Cartersville school system, and Jim Stanly was actually my former choral director when I was here in chorus as well, and so he and I go way back, and so when I heard the position was open, I felt like it would be a good fit for my skills and my background and it really felt like god just opened the doors to allow this position to be a realization for me.
What has your experience been like as a new teacher?
I’ve enjoyed it. I think we’ve faced a few challenges here and there, but we’re working through it, and I like to think about the motto “Adapt and Overcome”, sometimes you come into situations that you face challenges in, things that you have to find solutions for how to go around, and so we’re doing that, I really enjoy the students that I have, I think they’re great and the faculty her has been very welcoming and supportive, and I think it’s been going very well.
How do you think your students are doing? Are they doing well?
Yes, I’ll start with my keyboarding class, I’ve been really impressed with the progress the kids have made, they’ve been working very hard, a lot of them came from zero background in any kind of instrument whatsoever, and they’re already playing with both hands, and already reading music and we’re getting ready to do duets and a composition activity. The chorus groups are well, we’re preparing for our concert on October the second and they’re making very good progress, we have got a lot of students auditioning for All State and preparing for that, so I think we’re in a very good spot.
Do you have any plans for the future?
Yes, I want to continue to build on the standard of excellence that’s already been established here by Mr. Stanley and the preceding choral directors as well, we want to try to continue to grow the program, we’re going to look at some recruitment efforts her at the high school and also predominantly at the middle school coming into the high school We’re also looking at trip next year to somewhere like Disney or New York, so yeah, some exciting things happening.
And last question, am I your favorite student?
Well of course! One of the many Haleys that I love.