Would you spend thousands of dollars on a product that constantly harms you because it is a status symbol? 71% of people sleep with their cellular device near them as a form of comfort. It is awful that one of the most trusted phone companies created a phone that emits a long-term harmful result from constant radiation. A simple search on the internet makes it possible to find information about the most radiation-inducing phones. Apple has improved somewhat on how their phones use radiation. Take the iPhone 7, for example; from research, it was revealed to have a SAR of 1.6 and 2.0 W/kg. SAR stands for specific absorption rate, and this is how much radiation the human body absorbs. Though the 14 is not the last iPhone to come out, information about the iPhone 14 has been circulating. Many have complained about the many bugs and issues found within the new system.
From the consumers, it was found that the phone would often restart while it was charging; this could also occur when you barely remove the phone from the charging cord. There were also reports on how the phone would often freeze up when data was being transferred and delay the process excessively. This other problem has been happening throughout many iPhones but is still yet to be fixed. When some camera applications are opened, the camera starts to shake aggressively even though the phone is kept still. Some people think it might be the application itself, but that says that Apple’s camera application has many problems. Another issue that has come up is an issue that involves all the new iPhones and older iPhones that can get the IOS 16. The issue involves the already weak battery life of the phones themselves. With the update, people found their phones in constant need of battery deprivation, and the iPhone battery life was horrendous, to begin with; this was adding gas to the already lit fire. Overall, the iPhone 14 is in no way improved and is another way Apple is trying to exploit money from the population.