Being a teenager in this day and age is hard. Relationships and dating as a teen is even harder. There are different stages, before commitment you go through a talking stage. A “talking stage” is a period of time where you get to know the person a little bit more before hitting that boyfriend-girlfriend stage. During that time, it’s doing things a couple would, while not being together. A “talking stage” is not something that always ends well. Most girls go thorough 25 “talking stages” in a year; at least. This period of time can range from 2 weeks, to even a year. It’s a very toxic draining time. A lot of “talking stages” end with one partner talking to multiple other people. Some people think that if you’re in a “talking stage”, you should only be talking to that person; others think that means they’re not committed and therefore can talk to whomever. To each their own.
If you miraculously make it past the “talking stage”, which is like a 1/15 chance, you’ll get in a relationship. Relationships were more secure and lasted longer than they do now. Social media has had an influence on teenage relationships. It categorizes people on how they treat their significant other. “Simp” is a term frankly used to describe someone who cares too much about their relationship. Social media has made being a nonchalant person the standard. Teen’s act like they don’t care, they cheat and brush it off. It’s made them lose their touch with reality. This leads to the relationship not lasting. My advice is to just not put yourself through that.
Kayla • Sep 29, 2023 at 4:06 pm
The phrase “simp” has always bugged me. Why would we bring down good partners in a time where it’s already rare? So sad.