Dear Chip #25: Keep Your Head Screwed On

Dear Chip #25: Keep Your Head Screwed On

Dear Chip,

I am in my last semester of high school, and I have lost all motivation for school and other extracurricular activities. I have been accepted into three colleges already, and I plan on deciding in about a month where I want to go. Since I received my acceptance letters, I feel as if I have already shifted into a college mindset. Therefore, I have not been focusing on things in high school that are important. I’ve been putting critical work to the side, thinking that “it isn’t necessary” or that “it won’t matter in a few months.” I’ve also lost my inspiration for activities that I formerly loved to do. I dread doing things that aren’t somewhat related to my future, and I feel that what I am doing is dumb since I most likely won’t participate in these activities in college. I really want to enjoy my final months in high school, but I just can’t seem to. So how do I “live in the moment” and focus on my future? Please help, Chip.



Perplexed Student





Dear perplexed student,

I completely understand where you are coming from. I got accepted to the college I wanted to go to in December and I am somewhat tired as well. One thing to pat yourself on the back is that you have completed three and a half years of high school and previous years in school before that. Now you have one more year left, so make it count. I understand that you are eager for the next step but do not rush through your last year of high school. College will be there. Enjoy your time right now while it lasts. Have a blast, and keep your head screwed on. Worry about the time that you have right now. I understand that you lost motivation and I feel your pain (lol)!! If your passion is currently causing you to feel burnt out, tired, or stressed, don’t be afraid to give it some space. Do not feel afraid to take a few steps back, breathe, and focus on something else for a little bit. Everything will be okay. Self-care and balance are essential elements in pursuing anything that you love. Take these last couple of months to soak in the experience of being a senior and use all the lessons you have learned throughout your education to your advantage. Do not slack off. You are almost there. I believe in you! Hope this helps.


