Sources of Strength is a program that promotes mental health and prevents suicide. It brings light to the topics that are stereotyped as unimportant and helps promote a healthy way of living. In our school, Cartersville High School, we also have a chapter of the program. The primary adviser at our school is Mrs. Moore. Mrs. Moore is a fantastic teacher who does anything in her power to support all her students, and she never lets her students feel defeated and incapable. In our school, Mrs. Moore has a monthly meeting that she strongly encourages all members to attend. Though these meetings take place after school, they take little time and are often enjoyable. In these meetings, she goes over activities that are coming up, and she gives us small, fun activities that help people open up and talk to each other. While in the meetings, everyone smiles and laughs because a sense of trust allows every member to let loose. To join Sources of Strength, you must be invited in by other members of SOS or by advisors. Mrs. Moore also holds “drop-ins” on some Fridays. These drop-ins occur in the morning before school, and it is an opportunity to chit-chat and talk with the other members present.
Sources of Strength
A brief look into a CHS club
Dory Hidalgo, Writer
October 6, 2023

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Alexa • Oct 6, 2023 at 10:36 am
what an interesting club