American Horror Story is horror anthology series created by Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk. The television series consists of 12 seasons with the first episode of the latest season being released September 21st. This season’s plot is based off of Danielle Valentine’s book, Delicate Condition. The book is a thriller that follows a woman who is trying to have a baby through IVF, which is a treatment for infertility, but faces mysterious obstacles that threaten her pregnancy. Since just the first episode has come out there’s not much to say about the season as a whole. However, the first episode can give you a glimpse of what the rest of the season has to offer. The first episode of season 12, Delicate, is called “Multiply Thy Pain”. It showcases a woman named Anna Alcott on her journey to an IVF appointment and the unnerving coincidences of being followed or encountering unsettling individuals.
I think this season will be uncomfortable but hypnotizing in certain aspects which is what AHS is all about. The seasons also consist of unsettling intros that sometimes I believe are more interesting than the actual show, however that’s just for a couple previous seasons. This season’s intro consisted of a lot of pregnancy related imagery incorporated with aspects of horror which portrays what the season’s focus is on. I’m not sure how to feel about this season. There are aspects that I like so far, however none of it is showstopping to me. Hopefully as more episodes come out it will become more of a plot line that I’m gravitated towards. Nonetheless, this season Delicate will be unique to its own story as all the seasons are.