Happy Without

Lupines line a hiking trail at dawn near Crested Butte, Colorado
March 31, 2022
I wonder often if it’s bitter in your hands
I wonder carefully, your sweetest reprimands
When you chew on my heart do you feel that mottled chance?
The potential of each credential leads me quickly through demands.
It’s very possible I’ll never love again
Even though I’ll have you forever, it hurts to no end
I miss the addiction, the sugar, and the crashes
Such a tall fire
many ashes
When you’d catch me I felt fulfilled,
Now I feel I never will.
Truly, I sought you out of convenience not necessity
Now that you are you necessary, I regret thinking so incessantly
I never considered that once it all settled,
Once I settled,
I would have to make myself happy.
I’m happy with you
Now I must be without