Garden State: Review

January 6, 2022
Garden State is a romantic comedy drama starring Natalie Portman and Zach Braff. The movie follows the main character Andrew Largeman (Zach Braff) as he goes back to his hometown after the death of his mother. Because of his overbearing father, Andrew has been on intense medication since he was a child and finds it hard to express/understand his emotions. He eventually meets a compulsive liar named Sam (Natalie Portman) who helps him find himself again.
The movie starts off somewhat comedic. The vibe is very awkward and bland. I think the set and vibe being so boring makes the movie better in a way. Andrew is someone who goes through life without much feeling, this makes the movie feel more real and makes it so that the viewers can put themselves in the characters situation. The movie portrays mental illness very well compared to others I have seen. Andrew and Sam, both make you see their issues from a better perspective. Sam is my favorite character although I think I would enjoy her more if her only purpose was not to help Andrew achieve his goals. Natalie Portman even says something about how she wishes there were more to Sams character than Andrew.
As the movie continues Andrew and Sams relationship grows. One of the main scenes that showed their relationships evolution was when they decided to explore a quarry to find a gift for Andrew. You can really feel the connection through the screen. The two even share their first kiss at the end of the scene. Because of how Andrew was treated and raised by his father, they do not have much of a connection. Andrew decides to confront his father and tell him he will go the rest of his life off the medication and that he forgives him. Andrew and his fathers relationship is the most realistic in the movie. Every scene with the two is very awkward and gloomy and it helps you better understand how Andrew grew up.
This leaves us with the end of the movie that takes place a day later. The scene takes place at the airport with Andrew saying goodbye to Sam, and her begging him not to leave. Andrews reasoning was that he still had a lot of soul searching to do. The movie continues with Andrew boarding the flight and Sam crying in a telephone booth. OfCourse our main character Andrew realizes how stupid the idea was, gets off the plane, and runs to Sam. Andrew claims he does not want to live a life without Sam then confesses his love to her and they share their final kiss ending the movie. The ending was very predictable but still extremely sweet. Overall, the movie was enjoyable, and one of the cutest romantic comedies I have seen. I highly recommend watching it if you have not already.