Balancing School and Extracurricular Activities: An Interview with Emma Hensley

Lily McWhorter, Writer

Emma Hensley, 15, moved from Ohio 4 years ago, and currently lives in Cartersville, Georgia. She has become incredibly involved here in Cartersville, in both her school and community. Hensley currently plays volleyball for Cartersville High School and 575 volleyball club. As well, she plays softball for Attack Fastpitch. She is currently a sophomore at Cartersville High and a part of the National Beta Club. Hensley stays remarkably busy but maintains her grades and activities very well.

How many classes and extracurricular activities are you currently involved in? What are they?

I am currently taking 7 classes at school, 3 of them are electives and 4 are academic. My electives are Spanish 1, Advanced Body Sculpting, and AP Psychology. My academic classes are 10th Literature, Geometry, Chemistry, and World History. I also play for 3 sports teams, which are Cartersville High Volleyball, 575 Volleyball, and Attack Fastpitch. I’m also involved in the Beta Club at my school in which we do volunteer work.

On average, how long do you spend doing homework and practicing each week?

Altogether I spend about 22 hours each week between all these. I spend 8 hours at Cartersville High [volleyball], 4 hours for 575 [volleyball], 5 hours for Attack [Fastpitch], and then 5 hours on homework.

What problems have you encountered balancing so many classes and extracurricular activities?

I am up late every night and have to wake up early in the mornings. I get about 5 hours of sleep and hardly have any free time.

What are the effects of these problems?

I am tired, get no sleep, and have no time whatsoever to do anything.

Do you ever wish you were not involved in so much? Why?

Sometimes yes, I come home late and very tired, and wish I had more time to do other things. At the same time, I enjoy all my activities.

Do you find you have less free time than others because of your studying, or at practice?

Yes, because being involved in so much makes my schedule packed more than others.

Are you missing other opportunities because you have less free time?

Yes, because all my friends always go out and do things, but I usually cannot because I am busy.

Are you doing all this for your future?

Yes, I am trying hard in school and sports to go to a good college, and hopefully with a scholarship.

What are your future plans?

I plan to go to a good college and major in biology and chemistry to one day go into the dentistry field and become a dentist.