Dear Chip #1: “Overwhelmed Student”

Dear Chip #1: Overwhelmed Student

Dear Chip,

This is my fist year in high school and this is a pretty crazy year to go into what some people call the worst four years of their lives. So far, high school has been crazy, stressful, and no fun. I have a lot of tests and quizzes every week. I know you can not fix my workload, but how should I go about making school less stressful and enjoy high school?

From, Overwhelmed Student


Dear Overwhelmed Student,

Well overwhelmed student I am only a sophomore, so I have not been in high school for to long but when I was a freshman, I felt the same way. They say your freshman and junior are the hardest years in high school and I won’t tell you that’s not true because it is. I don’t say this to scare you; I’m just telling you the truth. The thing is when you get to high school, they give you more responsibilities, but you also get more freedom.

I can’t help making school less stressful, but I can give you some tips on how to make you less stressed. First, homework; I hate doing homework at home, so I always try to get it done during lunch or any free time I have in other classes. Second, study for your test (15min); I know you probably don’t want to because I never did but it really makes a difference. Third, do any extra credit, doing extra credit can help you on test or can just help bring your grade up. Last thing talk to your friends or someone you trust because they can be the best ones to give advice. When I was stressed talking to my friends really helped. I hoped this helps and you’re not as overwhelmed.

Sincerely, Chip