Homecoming 2020
An Interview with Members of the Freshman Homecoming Court
November 7, 2020
Homecoming, the time when all schools get together and celebrate the students and all that they do. Along with this comes school spirit and a lot of fun, but during this year everything changes. After coming back to school many different changes have been made to the campus. Along with that, people have worried if homecoming would even be a thing. So we needed some explanation. After everything, the students at Cartersville high school are going through they finally pushed through with a way to have a homecoming. With this on our minds, we need some inside stories. We interviewed half of the freshman homecoming court and this is what we found out.
How does it feel to be on the homecoming court?
Lydia: “It all feels so new and exciting.”
Ansley: “It feels very exciting.”
Why did you want to be on the homecoming court?
Lydia: “Honestly I didn’t plan on running for homecoming but when I heard that other people voted for me I was into it… I just feel that I’m the person to make this year’s homecoming great.”
Ansley: “I wanted to be on homecoming because I’m a freshman and it’s my first year here and it would be fun.”
What’s your opinion on homecoming this year? (how do you want it to go.)
Lydia: “I think this year is going to be just as good as any other year except for the fact that we don’t get to have a dance.”
Ansley: “I am very sad that there is no dance this year, but I’m glad that we even have to have homecoming court.”
Are you glad how the polls turned out?
Lydia: ” I love the other girls they are both my friends and I’m very glad I get to do this with them.
Ansley: “Yes I love both of the girls and I’m very happy with the polls.”
How did you feel about the other girls who you were running against?
Lydia: “Everybody was nominated at first and I didn’t have enough time so that’s why I was debating on doing it.”
Ansley: “I wish everyone could be on homecoming court and I have the highest respect for anybody I ran against.”
Did you want to be elected?
Lydia: ” At first no.”
Ansley :”Yes I was hoping to be elected.”
Do you like the idea of being on a homecoming float?
Lydia: ” Yes even though of all the conditions.”
Ansley: “Yes I’ve always liked the parades and being on the floats and how excited it can be.”