Political Party Platforms in a Nutshell

February 26, 2020
Today it is more important than ever to understand the different political parties and what each party represents. Each political party may focus on the same topics, but have widely different viewpoints. It is important to be familiar with each political party to prepare for voting.
The Republican Party is considered more conservative in their views. They are pro-life and support the 2nd amendment. The Republican party is for privatized medicine and healthcare. They are typically for smaller growth in government.
The Republican Party supports Homeland security and securing the United States borders. The Republican party is often associated with Christian beliefs.
The Republican Party headquarters is based in Washington D.C. The party color is red, and its symbol is the elephant. Our current president, Donald Trump, is a member of the Republican party.
The Democratic Party is considered to have more liberal viewpoints. They typically support a woman’s right to choose and gun control. The Democratic Party supports socialized healthcare and medicine — in other words, healthcare for all.
The Democratic Party believes in less-strict border control. They also believe in amending the constitution. The Democratic Party believes global warming is a legitimate concern and believes in stricter industry rules to protect the environment.
The Democratic Party is headquartered in Washington D.C. The party color is blue and its symbol is a donkey. Our previous president, Barack Obama was a Democrat.
The Libertarian Party has viewpoints that fall somewhere between the Republican and the Democratic parties. Their slogan is, “Minimum Government, Maximum Freedom.” They stand for smaller government and support the 2nd amendment. Their focus is on the management of taxes and is all about tax reform.
The Libertarian Party was formed in 1971. Their headquarters are in Alexandria Virginia. Their color is gold. Bernie Sanders, current Democratic candidate for president, was formerly a Libertarian.
Whether you are a conservative, liberal, or libertarian, America comes first. As Americans, it is our right to vote on the leader of our free society. As an American, it is our duty to be informed. As we move forward through this election year of 2020, there will be many opportunities to explore the political parties and what each candidate stands for. Become informed and vote for the best candidate for you and your personal beliefs and opinions.