Now Trending…

Joaquin Holcomb, Writer

These days, trends generally fall within two categories: fashion and online. 

Fashion trends usually start with industry designers making spring and fall collections based on inspiration they’ve gathered throughout the seasons. Online trends start by someone posting content online and other people trying to replicate that particular video or photo.  

Historically, fashion trends used to last 20 or so years, but in modern times, fashion trends have gotten shorter. And now with social media putting a spotlight on fashion around the world, the measurement is even shorter. 

People don’t have to like trends to go along with them. Some people like the trends, but others jump on board merely because it’s what is popular or stylish. Fitting in is what drives most trends.

Modern fashion trends include denim (from skinny jeans to bell bottoms, to mom jeans), attleisure (casual clothes for athletics or leisure — hence the name), nautical themes, etc. 

Denim jean trends are especially popular here at Cartersville and include denim skirts, jean jackets, ripped jeans outside of school, mom jeans and flare bottoms.

Online trends, on the other hand, are a completely different story. Trends on the internet can begin on any social media platform: Instagram, Snapchat, Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, or the biggest current trends, Youtube and Tik Tok. 

Some modern internet trends include the quarter trend. In this trend people would plug their phone charger into the wall leaving just enough space for a quarter to fit in between the prongs of the charger. This would cause the outlet to spark to be produced. This trend can be very dangerous and lead to injury. Another internet trend would be the 100-layer challenge. In this challenge people would put 100 layers of makeup, frosting, wax and other thing on their face and making a video of it.  

Most trends online are harmless videos of pranks or lip-syncing and dancing. But there are some that have led to injury and backlash. One such example is the “Tide Pod” challenge back in 2017, where people ate or joked about eating tide pods. The challenge resulted in eight individuals losing their lives. It’s almost unbelievable what some people will do, regardless of safety fears, because of an online trend.

One dangerous trend that made its way to Cartersville High School is the quarter trend, where people plug phone chargers into the wall, leaving just enough space to fit a quarter between the wall and the charger. They then drop a quarter on the prongs, which produces a spark and can blow a fuse. Phone chargers are illegal inside the school for a number of reasons.

Not all online trends are bad, however. Some trends raise money for causes, such as the Ice Bucket challenge (where individuals dumped buckets on themselves or others) which raised awareness and $115 million for ALS.  Many other trends are simply harmless and fun-loving, such as the planking challenge, with no real outcome besides laughs and maybe a sore core. 

These days, fashion trends generally only last a year or two, while online trends may last only a few days or weeks.

So even if you don’t like a current trend, remember it’s only temporary