The sun glaring, and half the garden wet due to me and my nana pouring water from the watering can. With a toy shovel and a small watering can in hand, I realize I’m out of water after I go past half a row of vegetables. I moan and groan as I now have to go back and do the row of tomatoes again. Sun still beaming, I start on my way, dragging along slowly, up the old wooden stairs to get some water for the can and that’s when it happened.
I scream bloody murder as I feel a sharp pain in one of my fingers on my right hand. My parents run out to me asking what’s happened and I just show my hand as I cry too much to speak. When I’m done crying and the tears dry on my face, I tell him a piece of wood is in my finger. I sit down and he gets the necessary tools to take the splinter out as my finger soaked in lime juice.
My dad finally gets out the splinter with a needle and my face is once again wet from tears. I’m glad it’s out, but my finger still hurts, and the vegetables still need to be watered. The sun isn’t as bad anymore, but it’s still hot. I complain as I finish helping my nana with the garden, waiting until my grandpa gets home. After he gets back, we go get McDonalds.