Construction is happening all around us. From China to a small town, the world is updating itself every day with innovations and transformations. A wise person once said that some things must be broken for beauty to emerge. This is true in places like New York City where a building called the Vessel has just been constructed. It is quite a marvel as it graces the eyes of tourists and residents alike.
In the town of Cartersville, things are happening as well. Cartersville High school is in the middle of a vast project including classrooms and offices in a modern scope. The current projects include a connection between the music area entrance and the westward exit of the humanities building, an extension of the cafeteria, and a renovation of the front office. These are set to be done around September 10th. Then, there is a 3-story building that encapsulates new science labs, engineering and JROTC pathway, a new competition gym, and math classrooms.
All this bustle has some wondering the effects and the reasons. This construction has many benefits though. The security of the front office, cafeteria, and the courtyard will be heightened, and the inhabitants of the school should feel more secure. Also, this school is a bit overcrowded and needs some extension and accommodation.
Although this development can help, it can also hurt. Many students find difficulty in getting to class as orderly as they used to. Students already have difficult and stressful lives regardless of construction. Some say that the sound can be hard to focus on the teacher and their coursework. Recently, I was sitting in my Essentials of Healthcare class when my classmates and I heard a rumble. The doors of the classroom were vibrating and giving out a low roar. Multiple students turned and kept getting distracted by it. This resulted in quite a disruption.
Other perspectives include that of non-animal eaters and vernal valetudinarians. There is a student in my 7th period that voiced her concerns about food options. Being a vegetarian, she has more limited options when it comes to food in general. When you add the lack of a fully functional school kitchen, choices are almost nonexistent. Also, concerns of COVID-19 are apparent especially when someone goes from the CTAE building back to the courtyard and vice versa. The traveler must squeeze into a confined corridor a little more than a yard wide. Due to the lack of masks, one can only imagine how much exposure is given in that corridor.
There have also been teachers who bring a whole new lens. There have been teachers who must share a classroom, one of which must teach in different buildings, which can cause a problem with papers and being on time. Also, the curriculum of some of these classes can be hard to translate through just speaking or Schoology. For example, Mrs. Rowser was relocated to the library, because of the building involving her classroom, to teach classes that are very interactive such as robotics and engineering. These classes and clubs use power tools and 3d printers which are not common in a library. Similarly, media clerk Miss Vassil has told us that the media center continues to adapt to the new challenge of accommodating a class in the previously quiet library.
Overall, teachers and students have done fabulously in responding to the pitter-patter around them. Although it has been a bumpy road adjusting, this construction has made quite an impact and seeks to improve the future of Cartersville High School.